What is a Portable Appliance?
Quite simply, a portable appliance is any piece of electrical equipment that can be moved from one area to another and be reconnected to the electricity supply via a plug and socket system.
What is PAT Testing?
PAT Testing Explained. To comply with the Electricity at Work Regulations.
Risk of fire and injury due to faulty electrical equipment is minimised and Insurance companies cannot dispute claims for damage through fire because of insufficient electrical maintenance.
The ISO 9001 Quality Assurance Standard requires all companies to comply with Health & Safety requirements, portable appliance testing as provided by Plugsafe Portable Appliance Testing , is also required to work to these standards.
How Often is PAT Testing carried out?
This depends on the workplace environment and the equipment to be tested but is generally every 12 months.
However, a power drill on a building site, where wear and tear is greater, the period between tests should be more frequent, possiblly every 3 months.
We are more than happy to assist companies in choosing the correct period between tests.
The PAT Testing starts with a visual check of the item’s lead and that the plug meets current standards.
If the plug is not moulded the cover is removed, fuse checked for correct rating and that it complies with BS 1363, the wiring is then examined and checked that it is secure.
Finally before replacing the plug cover we check that the wiring sheath is securely held at the base of the plug.
The lead to the appliance is then checked for obvious kinks and breaks, if successful, then the appliance is tested.
The PAT Testing Process!
The appliance is thoroughly checked visually for damage or exposed wiring due to misuse or missing covers and that the lead is held securely in place.
Once the visual check is complete, we will perform a number of tests on each appliance using the latest, calibrated equipment to pre-set industry standards, such as : insulation test, earth continuity test, earth leakage test,110V equipment can also be tested.
When an item passes the Personal Appliance Test which includes the visual test a GREEN PASS label is attached to the item showing it's assigned item number, date tested, next re-test date and who tested it.
When an item fails the Personal Appliance Test either on the visual test or the electrical test a RED FAIL label is attached to the item showing it's assigned item number, test date, reason for failure and who tested it. The item is also rendered unserviceable.
An appliance that is beyond repair or is critically dangerous will have an ORANGE DO NOT USE label attached.
A certificate will be provided on the day of testing, a full report is sent to you electronically (preferred) or by 1st Class post.
PAT Testing Birmingham.
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